The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived
  The Supreme Buddha  

  1. The Buddha is not a God. He is a Great Human Being
  2. The Supreme Buddha - The Greatest of Teachers
  3. The Buddha is the Greatest Exponent of Non-Violence
  4. The Buddha is the Person who Suffered Most
  5. The Buddha is the Religious Leader who Made the Greatest Sacrifices for Mankind
  6. The Buddha is the Bravest among Human Beings
  7. The Buddha is a Religious Teacher with an Authentic History
  8. The Buddha was the Most Blamed Social Worker
  9. The Buddha was the Leader to Display the Highest Principles
  10. The Buddha is the Young Religious Leader who Set Up a Youth Organization called the Sangha Order
  11. Is Buddhism a Religion That Should be Restricted to Books and Rites and Rituals Only?
  12. The Supreme Buddha - Greatest of Guides
  13. The Buddha is the First Religious Leader who Brought a Thought and Social Revolution
  14. The Buddha is the Great Hero who Realized the Truth
  15. The Buddha is the Eloquent Exponent of the Dhamma
  16. The Buddha is the Most Progressive of all the Religious Leaders
  17. The Buddha was a Great Story Teller and a Creator of Verbal Images
  18. The Buddha is the Greatest Psychiatrist
  19. The Buddha - Person of Incomparable Beauty
  20. The Buddha is the Greatest Psychologist
  21. The Buddha is the Righteous King Who Built and Ruled a Righteous Kingdom
  22. The Buddha is a Religious Teacher who Showed the Next World and Brought about Progress in This World
  23. The Supreme Buddha - The Being of Greatest Compassion on Earth
  24. Buddha - The Greatest Social Reformer
  25. The Supreme Buddha - Pioneer in Socialism and Democracy

®2000 - 2024The Corporate Body of the Buddha Educational Foundation

The Supreme Buddha
Essence of Spirit
Vasala Sutta